Saturday, February 19, 2011

So why is this seemingly unexciting woman writing about herself?

So glad you asked.

I wanted to give my fans (er, my mom) a chance to enjoy my photographs, experiences, and HILARIOUS witticisms while I am in Sri Lanka! this spring.
I am going to Sri Lanka to work as a medical volunteer for the program Projects Abroad.

So where is Sri Lanka, you ask?
(Seriously, you have no idea how many people have asked me that, so I just saved many of you a trip to GoogleEarth.)

(And that's what the flag looks like.)

It is also known as the land of my favorite beverage.


From all the pictures I've seen of teapickers, I would have to say it is one of the FUNNEST and most fashionable crops to pick. Teapickers always have huge smiles on their faces and often wear very colorful and lovely saris.

Good thing they've got addicts like me to keep them employed in such an enjoyable profession.

I already made a trip to the land of my other favorite beverages, Irish whiskey and Guiness. Sorry you missed it.

(My mom took this picture.)

Anyways, my journey has not yet begun, but I will do my best to keep you all up-to-date on my fabulous adventures, which will hopefully involve riding an elephant.