Monday, April 4, 2011

Trip Delays and Metaphysical Reflections

I'm feeling pretty down today.


I am supposed to be on a plane headed toward New York--ultimate destination Colombo--at this time, but obviously that isn't happening.

But don't worry! The trip is still on....just slightly delayed. I just don't have any flight tickets at the moment.

The Indian visa was delayed. A Briggs, supposed passport "expeditors", gave me inaccurate information while I was filling out my visa application and didn't alert me that there was a problem. I found out while checking my status online and immediately made the needed corrections. According to their claim of processing taking 7-9 days, I still would have had time to get my visa before leaving Seattle at 7 a.m. this morning.
Well, turns out it's the embassy that requires 7-9 days of processing, so sending the info to A Briggs just takes even longer. And once the info is submitted to the embassy, there is nothing that can be done.

Government jobs suck the souls out of their employees.

Seriously, just think of the DMV.

You want to die when you go there.
I would rather hang out at a funeral least those people pretend to care about you. There is actual emotion there...not this empty vacuum of soullessness, occupied by people who attempt to make you as miserable as they appear.

Well. That's enough dwelling on soulless bureaucracry.

In the grand scheme of things, a few days delay shouldn't make much of a difference.
I'm just stuck at the moment, waiting until I get my passport back before I schedule my next flight. I'm aiming to leave this Thursday the 7th and arrive in Sri Lanka the 9th. I will probably fly through Hong Kong instead of India this time, so the visa will be useless unless I decide to make a weekend trip to India. Bleh.

At least I've learned a valuable lesson: always check the visa requirements of not only the countries you are going to, but the countries you transfer flights in.
And now you've all learned from my mistakes, too! Yay.

Also, I have more time to learn some useful Sinhalese phrases before my trip, and more time to recover from a two week long bout of bronchitis.

Everyone has been telling me that maybe it's meant to be this way.

Maybe I wasn't meant to be on that flight today. Maybe it will go up in flames and I am avoiding a dreadful, painful death.
Or maybe today's flight will go smoothly, and my new flight will go up in flames. Maybe I'm meant to die on the next flight. Who knows.

I'm not afraid to die, but god, can't it wait till after my trip? Like on the flight home??

OK, I'm jumping to the worst possible scenario, I realize this. I'll probably be fine either way. It's just nice to think that when things don't go your way, there is some great plan behind it all, and that things will actually be better this way.

I like to think that each life follows its own unique formula that was put in place to keep the good and bad in life in some sort of balance. I mean, a mathematical model can be used to describe so much in the world. The movement of just about every particle--to a certain extent--fits into a calculus equation. Maybe our lives are the same. The orbits of the planets, the life of a star, the trajectory of space junk can all be explained with a mathematical model. Throughout time people have looked to the stars to tell their futures, but maybe they really should have been looking into the mathematics behind the movements of the stars, which is the driving force behind the universe and the simplest way to explain complex phenomena. Rather than focusing on the stars, they should have focused on the mathematical models that rule their exsistence, because perhaps our existence also follows some sort of formula that can be worked out.

Only the Great Mathematician in the Sky knows for sure.

Wow...went off on a bit of a tangent there. People find such weird ways to comfort themselves and justify their circumstances, don't they?

I am obviously no exception. But at least I feel a bit better.

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